Your voice for your library.

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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Were you there?

In March 2011 around 70 people came to Matson library for a vigil.

These people were from across the political spectrum from Labour councillors to Conservative Party members and activists. From those of faith to those of good faith. From senior citizens to babies in prams.

They sang a moving adaptation of the negro spiritual 'Were you there when they crucified our library?' They named those who crucified the library - an innocent victim of an unjust system.

Closing down libraries won't make investment bankers more honest, or corporations less greedy. Targetting public services for demolition won't bring down house prices or make shareholders more ethical. But it provides a welcome distraction for the powerful who fear any change that brings about justice. 

Were you there that evening? Post your memories of the event and why public services, like our local library, still matter and are still worth fighting for, here.

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