Your voice for your library.

This blog is for you to add your voice. Comment, join, send an email. But most of all become a friend of the library.

Monday 20 February 2012

Deprivation Index

I got sent a link to this interactive map of England today. Dark red shows the most deprived areas of England, dark green shows the wealthiest. 

Saturday 4 February 2012

Consultation in Matson

A Consultation day in Matson has suddenly appeared! 

Thursday 23rd February 10am until 5pm at the Library. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

More Questions for GCC

At a meeting of the Matson and Robinswood Neighbourhood Partnership today (1st Feb) the library was again discussed. It was fed back to our new 'area leader' (not sure what that means) that the consultation process hasn't been well received: the on-line form being complicated where it needs to be simple and over-simplifying 'choices' so that real debate is not included. It feels like a pretend consultation.

No one has yet suggested who might go into the present building as a partner and it was not clear what would happen if no partner came to an agreement with the council. So there is much yet to discover.

One of the issues that a partnership would raise is that of how a Partnership Library would maintain their stock and to what level. I've been sent these questions:
  • What proportion of brand new stock will each type of library be entitled to expect and approximately how frequently?
  • How frequently will stock be refreshed from other libraries for each tier of the service?
  • On what basis will decisions about the nature of stock going to each library be decided?